Path:/BCCC Worship Library/Powerpoint/Part 4
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[..]<DIR>03.09.2022 21:51
Chinas Mission 宣教的中國ppt149.50 KB03.09.2022 21:51PowerPoint presentation
Gently Listening 輕輕聽 (M)ppt148.00 KB03.09.2022 21:51PowerPoint presentation
God Make My Life A Little Light 生活如光歌ppt171.50 KB03.09.2022 21:51PowerPoint presentation
Grant me a Humble Heart 一顆謙卑的心ppt138.50 KB03.09.2022 21:51PowerPoint presentation
I Pray for You Today 我今天為你祝福ppt139.50 KB03.09.2022 21:51PowerPoint presentation
I Receive Your Love 愛,我願意ppt156.00 KB03.09.2022 21:51PowerPoint presentation
Let All the Earth Hear His Voice 願全地聽主聲音 (M)ppt44.50 KB03.09.2022 21:51PowerPoint presentation
Lord I Come Before Your Throne 主啊!我到你面前 (M)ppt178.00 KB03.09.2022 21:51PowerPoint presentation
Lord You Are My Best Friend 主你是我最知心的朋友 (M)ppt149.50 KB03.09.2022 21:51PowerPoint presentation
May Thy Divine Life 活出基督歌ppt152.00 KB03.09.2022 21:51PowerPoint presentation
My God My Father My Rock 我的神 我的父 我的磐石ppt153.50 KB03.09.2022 21:51PowerPoint presentation
My Lord I Worship You 我的神,我要敬拜你ppt162.00 KB03.09.2022 21:51PowerPoint presentation
My Most Understanding Friend 最知心的朋友ppt149.00 KB03.09.2022 21:51PowerPoint presentation
Neighbour at our Side 邻舍就在身旁歌ppt151.50 KB03.09.2022 21:51PowerPoint presentation
Praise our Father for this Lords Day 恭敬讚美歌ppt160.50 KB03.09.2022 21:51PowerPoint presentation
Praise the Lord 一切歌頌讚美 (M)ppt169.50 KB03.09.2022 21:51PowerPoint presentation
Praise the Lord 頌讚你 (C)ppt167.50 KB03.09.2022 21:51PowerPoint presentation
Rejoice Always 常常喜樂ppt152.50 KB03.09.2022 21:51PowerPoint presentation
Set Your Eyes Upon Jesus 注目看耶穌 (M)ppt152.00 KB03.09.2022 21:51PowerPoint presentation
The Gift of Knowing You 這一生最美的祝福ppt147.00 KB03.09.2022 21:51PowerPoint presentation
The Lily of Valley 谷中百合花 (M)ppt159.50 KB03.09.2022 21:51PowerPoint presentation
Whom Have I but You 除你以外 (M)ppt147.00 KB03.09.2022 21:51PowerPoint presentation
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