Announcements for week ending 4 Dec 11

  1. New leaflets for BCCC Christmas programme 2011 and new Church leaflets are now ready for distributions. There are 3 styles of Church leaflets targeted for different people. Please kindly take some and distribute them when visiting people or meeting new friends.
  2. BCCC Christmas Carol 2011 will be on 24 Dec (Sat). We will be singing Christmas songs at the University Campus. If you want to join, or for further details, please contact Grace.


Announcements for week ending 16 Oct 11

  1. Praise God for the safe arrival of Christal’s little baby girl Stephanie on 14 Oct 2011. May God’s blessings be with them.
  2. The open day of the Bradford Chinese School (百福中國學堂) will be on 29 Oct 11 (Sat). If you are interested in it, please contact Yang Li for more details.
  3. COCM Mandarin Christmas Family Camp 24-27 Dec 2011, COCM Mandarin Year End Students Camp 28 Dec 2011-1 Jan 2012. Application forms available from Kenneth.