Announcements for week ending 15 Jul 12

  1. The wedding of Cindy and Jack will take place at 1pm on Tuesday 17 July 2012 at Sunbridge Road Mission. Please give your names to Cindy and indicate if you are coming to the wedding ceremony or the wedding feast or both.
  2. The Sunday School are preparing the Tea Fellowship on Sunday 22 July to raise fund for supporting those who are going to PHAT camp this August. It will be free will offering. Please pray about this as you seek God for His guidance regarding your offering.
  3. There will be a council meeting at 5:30pm today at Janet’s house.
  4. Pastor Irene will be away during 16-20 July. Please contact Andrew for any pastoral issue.
  5. This will be Ivy’s last Sunday with us before she returns to Hong Kong for good. We bid farewell to her and may God bless her for her future.

Prayer items for week ending 8 Jul 12

  1. Pray for Kevin & Grace and Adrian & Oliver as they settle down as a family. Continue to pray for the rehabilitation of Kevin’s father and the future adjustment to life at home.
  2. Pray for the sale of Christal’s shop that the problems encountered in the transaction process can be resolved as soon as possible.
  3. Continue to pray for Xue Bin & Li Zhu & Abigail as they wait for the verdict of their hearing which will be announced very soon. May God’s will prevail.
  4. Pray for the safe travel for those on holiday during the summer. Pray also for God’s guidance upon the graduates regarding their future.
  5. Continue to pray for the provision of finance for the work of our church. May God show us His plan and direct us to fulfil His missions.
  6. Pray for wisdom upon the government and the politicians in UK to govern this country well and uphold justice & fairness.

Prayer items for week ending 1 Jul 12

  1. Pray for Kevin & Grace and Adrian & Oliver as they settle down as a family. Continue to pray for the rehabilitation of Kevin’s father and the future adjustment to life at home.
  2. Continue to pray for Xue Bin & Li Zhu & Abigail as they wait for the verdict of their hearing which will be announced very soon. May God’s will prevail.
  3. Pray for the safe travel for those on holiday during the summer. Pray also for God’s guidance upon the graduates regarding their future.
  4. Continue to pray for the provision of finance for the work of our church. May God show us His plan and direct us to fulfil His missions.
  5. Pray for Mrs Ho to have a quick and smooth sale of her shop.

Announcements for week ending 1 Jul 12

  1. The wedding of Cindy and Jack will take place at 1pm on Tuesday 17 July 2012 at Sunbridge Road Mission. Please give your names to Cindy and indicate if you are coming to the wedding ceremony or the wedding feast or both.
  2. Joshua will be going back to Hong Kong for the summer. May God grant him a blessed time with his family. We will be looking forward to his return in September.
  3. Help is still required to decorate the Church House. Please contact Barry or Andrew.

Prayer items for week ending 24 Jun 12

  1. Praise God for the safe arrival of Kevin & Oliver in Manchester. Pray for Kevin & Grace and Adrian & Oliver as they settle as a family. Continue to pray for the rehabilitation of Kevin’s father and the future adjustment to life at home.
  2. Continue to pray for Xue Bin & Li Zhu & Abigail as they wait for the verdict of their hearing which will be announced very soon. May God’s will prevail.
  3. Pray for the safe travel for those on holiday during the summer. Pray also for God’s guidance upon the graduates regarding their future.
  4. Continue to pray for the provision of finance for the work of our church. May God show us His plan and direct us to fulfil His missions.
  5. Pray for Mrs Ho to have a quick and smooth sale of her shop.

Prayer items for week ending 17 Jun 12

  1. Praise God for Kevin’s father has made good progress from the strokes so far. Still a long way to go. Continue to pray for his rehabilitation particularly during the first six months.
  2. Continue to pray for Xue Bin & Li Zhu & Abigail as they wait for the verdict of their hearing which will be announced very soon. May God’s will prevail.
  3. Pray for Christal as she adjusts to life in London and a new job. Pray that she can settle in a church soon.
  4. Continue to pray for the provision of finance for the work of our church. May God show us His plan and direct us to fulfil His missions.
  5. Pray for Mrs Ho to have a quick and smooth sale of her shop.
  6. Pray for wisdom upon the government and the politicians in UK to govern this country well and uphold justice & fairness.
  7. Pray for the Christians in UK to stand firm and be witnesses for the Lord despite being increasingly marginalised in this country.