Announcements for week ending 9 Sep 12

1. We will distribute BCCC leaflets to Chinese students during Summer & the new term. We need people to help with this. Please take some leaflets and give out to any students you meet.
2. COCM student Outreach Drama Night on 27th Oct (Saturday). We require help from the church to provide accommodation and meals for the COCM Outreach team members.
3. The church require some brothers & sisters to form a Student Outreach team to co-ordinate the outreach programme for the new academic term. Please get involved and help.
4. The council meeting has been postponed till 23 Sep 2012.

Prayer items for week ending 2 Sep 12

  1. Praise God that the Home Office have not lodged an appeal against the case of Li Zhu & Xue Bin. Do pray for their future & the arrival of their new baby.
  2. Pray for the rehabilitation and recovery of Kevin Cheung’s father at home.
  3. Pray for Mrs Sun’s chronic backache.
  4. Pray for the outreach work to the new students during next few months. Pray also that God will bring more people to our church in the new term.
  5. Please pray for Johnny & fun as they are unwell after the return from their trip to Canada.

Announcements for week ending 2 Sep 12

  1. We will distribute BCCC leaflets to Chinese students during Summer & the new term. We need people to help with this. Please take some leaflets and give out to any students you meet.
  2. COCM student Outreach Drama Night on 27th Oct (Saturday). We require help from the church to provide accommodation and meals for the COCM Outreach team members.
  3. The church require some brothers & sisters to form a Student Outreach team to co-ordinate the outreach programme for the new academic term. Please get involved and help.
  4. There will be a council meeting at 5:30pm on Sunday 9 Sep at church house.
  5. There is a farewell meal gathering for the family of Victor & Christina and Karen & Ken today at Church House. We will go over to Church House right after the service.

Prayer items for week ending 26 Aug 12

  1. Praise God that the Home Office have not lodged an appeal against the case of Li Zhu & Xue Bin. Do pray for their future & the arrival of their new baby.
  2. Pray for the rehabilitation and recovery of Kevin Cheung’s father at home.
  3. Pray for Mrs Sun’s chronic backache.
  4. Pray for the outreach work to the new students during next few months. Pray also that God will bring more people to our church in the new term.
  5. Please pray for Johnny & fun as they are unwell after the return from their trip to Canada.

Announcements for week ending 26 Aug 12

  1. We will distribute BCCC leaflets to Chinese students during Summer & the new term. We need people to help with this.His guidance regarding your offering.
  2. COCM student Outreach Drama Night on 27th Oct (Saturday). We require help from the church to provide accommodation and meals for the COCM Outreach team members.
  3. The church require some brothers & sisters to form a Student Outreach team to co-ordinate the outreach programme for the new academic term. Please get involved and help.
  4. The council will meet on Monday 27 Aug at Andrew & Vivien’s house for a time of prayer & sharing and to seek His will & vision for our church.
  5. There is a farewell meal gathering for the family of Victor & Christina and Karen & Ken on Sunday 2 Sep at Church House. We will go over to Church House right after the service.

Prayer items for week ending 19 Aug 12

  1. Keep praying for Xue Bin, Li Zhu & Abigail as there is no news from Home Office regarding if they would lodge an appeal.
  2. Pray for the rehabilitation and recovery of Kevin Cheung’s father at home.
  3. Pray for Mrs Sun’s chronic backache.
  4. Pray for safe travel and protection for all of us who need to travel or on holiday this summer.
  5. Pray for the financial provision for our church & the preparation of the student outreach work during the next few months.

Announcements for week ending 19 Aug 12

  1. We will distribute BCCC leaflets to Chinese students during Summer & the new term. We need people to help with this.His guidance regarding your offering.
  2. COCM student Outreach Drama Night on 27th Oct (Saturday). We require help from the church to provide accommodation and meals for the COCM Outreach team members.
  3. The church require some brothers & sisters to form a Student Outreach team to co-ordinate the outreach programme for the new academic term.

Prayer items for week ending 12 Aug 12

  1. Keep praying for Xue Bin, Li Zhu & Abigail as there is no news from Home Office regarding if they would lodge an appeal.
  2. Pray for the rehabilitation and recovery of Kevin Cheung’s father at home.
  3. Pray for Mrs Sun’s chronic backache.
  4. Pray for safe travel and protection for all of us who need to travel or gon holiday this summer.
  5. Pray for the financial provision for our church & the preparation of the student outreach work during the next few months.
  6. Pray for God’s protection upon the Olympic Games & the various outreach ministries during the Games.
  7. Praise and thank God for the safe return of the young people from PHAT Camp and the blessed time that they have.