Prayer items for week ending 4 Mar 12

  1. Elizabeth is now home. Please pray for a good healing process, gradually getting back her strength and a full recovery.
  2. Xue Bin & Li Zhu & Abigail have been informed that the hearing of the Home Office ‘s appeal against their case will take place on 19 March. Please earnestly pray for them and God will grant a good outcome.
  3. Continue to pray for the provision of finance for the work of our church. May God show us His plan and direct us to fulfil His missions.
  4. Stella has gone to Hong Kong to sort out care arrangement for her elderly in-laws. Pray that she will be able to arrange a suitable help-care plan for Darwin’s parents.
  5. Pray for Fun that her shoulder will get better and she will return to UK from Hong Kong soon.
  6. Pray for the conflicts and deteriorating situations in Syria. May God bring a peaceful resolution to the desperate situations.
  7. Pray for the Christians in UK to stand firm and be witnesses for the Lord despite being increasingly marginalised in this country.


Announcements for week ending 4 Mar 12

  1. If you can help in re-decorating church house, please contact Barry or Jim.
  2. The new Church Council will hold the first meeting soon, if you have any issues or items to raise for the agenda in this meeting please contact Kevin Cheung or Kenneth Fong.
  3. Congratulations to our Brother Jay Lee, who studied in Bradford University and was a BCCC member, had the wedding ceremony in Hong Kong today (4 Mar 12).


Prayer items for week ending 26 Feb 12

  1. Elizabeth is going to have an operation tomorrow in hospital. Please pray for a smooth & successful operation and a speedy recovery.
  2. Stella has gone to Hong Kong to sort out care arrangement for her elderly in-laws. Pray that she will be able to arrange a suitable help-care plan for Darwin’s parents.
  3. Continue to remember Xue Bin & Li Zhu & Abigail in your prayers as they are still awaiting the decision upon their case.
  4. Pray for Fun that she will have a successful treatment on her shoulder in Hong Kong.
  5. Pray for the conflicts and detoriating situations in Syria. May God bring a peaceful resolution to the unrest.
  6. Continue to pray for our church that God will show us His plan & will in our service & ministries.
  7. Pray for the Christians in UK to stand firm and be witnesses for the Lord despite being increasingly marginalised in this country.


Prayer items for week ending 19 Feb 12

  1. Continue to remmber Xue Bin & Li Zhu & Abigail in your prayers as they are still awaiting the decision upon their case.
  2. Pray for Fun that she will have a successful treatment on her shoulder in Hong Kong.
  3. Pray for the churches and Christians in Nigeria who have been subject to a series of attacks from Muslim Extremists. Pray for God’s protection upon the Christians there and all the attacks will be stopped.
  4. Pray for the conflicts in Eygpt and Syria. May God bring a peaceful conclusion to the unrest.
  5. Continue to pray for our church that God will show us His plan & will in our service & ministries.
  6. Pray for Elizabeth ‘s full recovery from recent poor health and illness. May God strength her foe every day.
  7. Pray for the Christians in UK to stand firm and be witnesses for the Lord despite being increasingly marginalised in this country.


Announcements for week ending 19 Feb 12

  1. Council meeting at 5:30pm at Church House today 19 Feb.
  2. AGM for BCCC is to be held at 3:30pm on Sunday 26 Feb 2012. Please contact Kenneth for details about applying to become a BCCC voting member.
  3. Church House re-decoration project will start soon. Help is required. Any volunteers please contact Barry & Jim.
  4. NEEC 2-4 April at Cefa Lea Park Newton Powys Wales. Application forms availablefrom Kenneth . Deadline : 17 Feb 2012.


Prayer items for week ending 12 Feb 12

  1. Continue to remember Xue Bin & Li Zhu & Abigail in your prayers as they are still awaiting the decision upon their case.
  2. Pray for Fun that she will have a successful treatment on her shoulder in Hong Kong.
  3. Pray for the churches and Christians in Nigeria who have been subject to a series of attacks from Muslim Extremists. Pray for God’s protection upon the Christians there and all the attacks will be stopped.
  4. Pray for the conflicts in Eygpt and Syria. May God bring a peaceful conclusion to the unrest.
  5. Continue to pray for our church that God will show us His plan & will in our service & ministries.
  6. Pray for Elizabeth who has been quite poorly for last couples of weeks and she is slowly recovering.
  7. Pray for the Christians in UK to stand firm and be witnesses for the Lord despite being increasingly marginalised in this country.

Announcements for week ending 12 Feb 12

1. NEEC 2-4 April at Cefa Lea Park Newton Powys Wales. Application forms availablefrom Kenneth . Deadline : 17 Feb 2012.

2. Church House re-decoration project starts on 13 Feb. Help is required. Any volunteers please contact Barry & Jim.

3. AGM for BCCC is to be held at 3:30pm on Sunday 26 Feb 2012. Normination of candidates for Council member election should be made to the Secretary of the Council, Esther. Please contact Kenneth for details about applying to become a BCCC voting member.